I was up early this morning after frantic day Monday trying to make a camping trip come together with a friend and also recently divorcing single dad. My Summer vacation with the children has had some wonderful moments and also some not so good periods of extreme stress; which of course is horrible for someone with Parkinsons. The kids had all sighed with the initial thought of another long drive spending hours traveling to go camping, which all seemed to immediately disappear when the lake came into view and we descended into the valley.
While traveling back through Denver Colorado earlier in our vacation time together after spending time with my parents, the transmission in the RV went out downtown Denver off the I25N ramp in front of the Denver Broncos football stadium. Several weeks earlier my family had been given a tour of the Broncos stadium from a sweet high School friend, Peggy Stumvoll-Jackson. My daughter would love it if you would view her YouTube channel #3Siblingsfunstyle and make a comment on her video production of the stadium.
My son Cade and fellow Bronco enthusiasts told Peggy as she showed us around the stadium, “This is the best thing that has happened too me this year,” which immediately filled my face with a grin and heart with joy, knowing how rough of a year its been for him and everyone else. Now the access to the popular landmark and busy off ramp was blocked with a 28 foot Class C RV with 3 kids myself and Cricket our golden retriever.
We waited for 4 1/2 hours in 100degree tempatures through angry Denver commuters for a tow truck capable of hauling the broken RV to a nearby repair shop, only to find out the bad news and financial damage in an already deleption of all my financial assets. My years of worry and hard work preparing my financial future now gone with a degenerative disease looming in the horizon. Refusing to take this bad luck as a failed attempt of the trip’s fun we spent the next several days in motels taking Uber rides finding our way to Water World and the Denver Aquarium; in-which all provided the extra fun needed to offset this bad luck.
After the hearty repair bill, we made our way to Aspen where I got to see another dear High school friend Ann Wilkinson and her husband Matt and 10 year old son Asher. Ann reached out to me after years of drifting apart and has just been wonderful as a friend. She sent me some of Asher’s hand me downs when I initially had no clothes for the boys. The children all believing they were somehow related to Ann and Asher calling him their new brother as they paled around the neighborhood and Aspen attractions. They enjoyed a great amusement park set high in the Colorado mountains a small town 4th of July parade and also played in the private lake
in Ann’s neighborhood to beat the heat, having their first experience with crawdads! They would later all wail as we drove away from the glowing darkness of orange and reds while the Wilkinson’s were evacuated from their home due to local fires that devoured the nearby mountain sides. We also were forced to set off back for Idaho late into the burning night. The kids asking me why God would do this and one of my sons saying, “Dad if I could save them I would”…….I could only reply, “I know you would bud.” Seeing his tender heart and tears that began to fill his eyes; with his fathers desire to save something just not in his control. They asked me why would God do this Daddy? I tried to explain it isn’t God that punishes us he wants us to cast our worries onto him and rejoice in all of his creations to live a simple and happy life.
We had gotten to the lake in time to set up camp and spent the evening on the boat allowing the children to knee board and take turns riding in the tube. The laughter and joy in every moment I see on their faces and hear in their voices makes every little bit of the effort worth while. Everything now is just a bit harder for me.
Once on the boat my friend Brendon asked me if I wanted him to drive so I could just sit back and relax. He later remarked as we looked over our newly difined families with a grin, “This is what it’s all about.” Amazed by one of the most beautiful Sunsets I have ever seen
we enjoyed the evening with his new girlfriend and her children making a campfire that this time filled the glowing darkness with the light and laughter of our children.
I let my boys stay up late and roast Starbursts candy over the campfire. Yes Starbursts, instead of marshmallows, don’t knock it until you try it! I figure they can wake up in the morning whenever they’d like, theres no schedule on this program!
I was enjoying the evening’s memorys as I casted my fishing line over a glassy morning lake when all the sudden WHAM! I hooked into and landed a sizable small mouth bass. I kissed him on his fish lips and thanked him for the fight, snapped a photo for the memory and returned him back into his existence. These memories mixed with others all made in the pursuit of happiness gives me the joy that is needed to heal my body mind and soul. Finding the moments you want to keep and letting go of the others that brings forth sorrow. Thank you Jesus for opening my sometimes blinded eyes.
The truth is now I look forward to being with someone new. Someone who loves me and me for the man I am, the man I’ve been, and man I’ve become. Our children are the most beautiful of gifts to me of my failed union that must now be defined to me as it’s purpose. My new dream for my children is for them to witness the mutual love and respect of a man and a woman in both of their maturnal parents future and all rejoice together in heaven. Until then this is my heaven on earth.
I choose happiness and want my children to experience only happiness as I fight this disease trying to be the best possible father and man I can be. I try and do something fun with them everyday. I can only try to be a better man with Parkinson’s than I was without. I’ll never give up on my fight against this terrible demon for the love of my children. I Fight Parkinson’s, it’s what I do! Today we will spend the day slowly packing up then work our way back home at our lieasure enjoying the final part of our time together until next time.
#Summer2018 #staypositive #crueltysucks #fightparkinsons #parkinsonsfight #idahodad #lovemykids #findyourmoments #tryanddoitbetter #bodymindandsoul #godhasaplan #prayforacure #jehovarophe #exercise #familycamping #heavybag #speedbag #doubleendbag #boxaball #rocksteadyboxing #parkinsonsdisease #NGU
I am so happy you ‘choose’ to remember the good times, guess they wouldn’t be good without some ‘bad times’ for comparison sake. Making lemonade out of lemons!
Lots of great memories together – in the end, that is what it is all about.
Hope you are working on a book, you are such gifted a writer! Your life journey – gives you lots of material and memories fade quickly.
You are such an amazing person. I admire your positivity and how you have allowed God to work in your life. I pray for you and your children. Continue to trust in our Father and His plans to prosper you. Jetemush 29:11.
What a wonderful, fantastic vacation. We had motorhomes for years and it is special because you are all together and you learn to live together. Our kids memories are so filled with that joy. They seem to remember everything…more than I do. I remember the times our motorhome went down,,,,not a lot….but always when it was hot. And wow, it is expensive…especially out on the road. Your mother and I are friends and I follow your sister’s posts all the time. You are in my prayers daily. Sometimes I feel so sad for you and all that is happening. But you are amazing….amazing….amazing. God bless you and all your family. Hugs.
I’ve never met you, Dan, but I’ve followed your life for more than thirty years through your Mum. I remember you and your children in my prayers and want to encourage you as you continue this difficult path of life. I pray that this vacation will be the first of a new set of amazing memories that will overlay the old and begin to lay a new foundation, a new hope, and a new future for yourself and your children, as you continue to seek God above all things.
My husband is the author of 14 books and I must say you have enormous talent writing in your very readable conversational style. I really admire you, Dan, for so many things. You have such a positive attitude about dealing with Parkinson’s disease, putting up with the most difficult, selfish, devious, future ex-wife while remaining so loving and being such a wonderful dad to your beautiful children. You are their anchor in their lives, especially now, with their mother so vindictive and hateful. Not many men could be the father you are under such trying circumstances.
I’ve been reading your blog since your mom ( my high school classmate) since she informed us of your circumstances. I do hope you save these notes because they could be the basis of a touching documentary or book!!
Keep your spirits up and know that so many people are following you and rooting for an good end to your terrible circumstances with “HER!”
Mary Ellen, thank you for the kind words and endorsement and support. Prior to the divorce proceedings I had been working on a book and my Ex ridiculed me for it. I think when the timing is right things will be different.