September 24th, 2016
It’s been 24 years almost to the day since I left the U.S. Navy, I can recite the Missed Approach Procedure for the (GCA) Ground Controlled Approach) to Naval Air Station Alameda Runway 31 still in my sleep. I can remember

initially being embarrassed that I was unable to go right to college like many of my high school friends. Leaving my home town was very difficult, but I knew I wanted to amount to something else. When my ASVAB scores matched me up as having the aptitude for Air Traffic Control I must admit I was surprised. I never have would have guessed it would something I’d be good at, I would have never given myself credit for being that bright.

A lot has changed since I said my goodbyes to a military creased shirt or a high and tight haircut. One thing that hasn’t is my connection to aviation and the hearts of good men. I served with many and didn’t have the pleasure to serve with a lot of others. My former Division Officer Tom Kuhn was a true Naval Officer in every sense of the word. LT recently told me; his father a great man, leader and Naval Officer himself said, “Tom, you always take care of your people.” Thanks for your commitment to the oath that you proudly honor and continue to this day. When they used to say, “Oh…… your one of Tommy’s boys!!!” I’d just smirkingly grin and say, yes sir. I’ve never been as proud as I’m am to this day, as I’m sure your Father is. Thanks for the
friendship old and new and just for caring enough over the years to make a difference. Today was a good day with a kindred spirited fish curser Jeff Henry!
Hand Salute,
Thank You LT.