Fight Parkinson's, Body Mind and Soul

What if it’s not Parkinson’s?

The past several days, I’ve been trying to install the speech recognition software on my computer. The idea was to make my life much easier. Instead, I’ve spent a majority of my time on the phone with “Bob, Steve or Molly” from India. The problem is simple, that is if two people can communicate effectively. First, you must have software compatible with your operating system. Secondly, you must have a working CD-Rom drive if the wrong software were to be properly installed. The communication barrier as I switch from one technician to the next and go along with them constantly having me reboot absolutely drives me insane.  Writing lately has become almost as difficult, my tremor frequently makes it just to painful to deal with. I spend a majority of my nights sitting on the hand with the tremor and pecking with the other. I’d much rather exercise as it provides another kind of therapy and needed release for me.

I know verbal communication has always been very difficult for me, I find it hard to talk to others and I over think a majority of things. As an Air Traffic Controller my words were mostly scripted in a form called phraseology, Like the Wizard of Oz, I was always hidden behind a microphone but very confident in my abilities. I know it’s far easier for me to communicate in writing than in speech. I have always become extremely and easily flustered and my tremor is my now my easy tell. My lack of confidence has been a much bigger part of me than I’d ever like to admit or deal with.

I recently started hyperbarics and have been working with the most compassionate and brilliant man I’ve ever met,  I trust my life to him. It’s hard for me to explain but, I had lost all faith in humanity. Wondering who was going to try to take to advantage of me next? Believing the only real person I could trust was myself. I have been blessed more with a new friendship that at this point is just as, if not more important to me than my health. If you are skipping through my blog please read my open letter to Phil Rainey. As I spend more and more time with him, his spirit and personal outlook of life touches every part of my soul. I know he wants to see me succeed even more than his business, and that absolutely crushes me.  I’ve witnessed daily the gift of humanity verse the greed of man, and yet another part of my soul has been renewed. In my journey thus far with Parkinson’s disease, Phil has been by far the most important chapter. KMTV STORY

I absolutely beg you, before you start yourself or child on the next medication, to research what the pharmaceutical and insurance companies don’t want you too. Oxygen is life and can heal by reducing inflammation. There are  so many other benefits it should be more readily available and affordable to everyone. It is my belief, just like the Politics in Washington our  Healthcare system is broken. If you believe otherwise you should probably stop here because there is no need to read any further. Sorry I digress; the Internet is a powerful tool, the truth and information cannot longer be totally suppressed, social media has become more of a news source  in my opinion and probably much more reliable. We need and should demand a Holistic Healthcare Network!


I’d had a neck surgery performed in 2008, to make a long story short it is quite possible I have Parkinson’s syndrome not Disease. The hospital had made me the Poster boy for a newly approved cervical disc replacement and put me on the cover of a medical magazine, a Seattle billboard and television commercial. My 15 minutes of fame turned out to be the worst mistake of my life! The slogan was, “Life is Better Pain Free.” Which is extremely ironic because after the surgery I now live in constant pain!

I’d much rather have my blog go viral and be able to really help people, than live the other lie for greed of man and Big Pharma! The implant in my neck has been controversial because FDA approval was obtained and based on surgeons with vested personal financial interests in the device bias approval reports.

Immediately after my surgery I’d had my very first tremor, I had always personally been convinced there was nerve damage. The Doctors in little white coats continued to say Parkinson’s never being able to explain why when I elevate my hand above my head my tremor stops. I have recently discovered through Hyperbarics reducing the inflammation in my neck, the base of my skull is 7degrees off rotation caused by the surgery and likely creating a neurological blockage to the right side of my body. I have been gradually dying neurologically making everyday tasks like tying shoes and writing my name much more difficult than most could ever understand.

 “Sue them you say?” The statute of limitations has come and gone and I’d much rather focus on staying positive and healing my Body Mind and Soul instead of dwelling in the past, which has been somewhat of a very difficult problem for me. But…….this has affected every day of my life my mental and physical health my marriage, friendships and my children! However, it also has blessed me in so many other ways;  a new ability to appreciate so many other the true gifts in life that until now I have taken for granted. I’ve found and gained some newly  developed confidence. There’s a long road ahead but, What if it isn’t Parkinson’s? I’ll never give up!


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